6 Months Hiatus from Socials
I have been meaning to do an experimental 6 month hiatus from all social media for some time.
I have tried to isolate what I hate the most and what I love the most about Social Media such as Facebook and Instagram that would drive me to depart.
What I love:
- ability to find and connect to friends and family
- ability to update everyone so easily
- ease of use to upload photos, videos, content
- easy to look up profiles of people in my circles to see if they would be worth connecting with
What I hate:
- advertising - no paid add-free model
- the infinite scroll - there is no end - content keeps coming
- wading through the same mundane and un-extraordinary jokes and low level humor again and again
- the algorithm - no way to limit content I see to just what I subscribe to or search for manually
- the addiction - the urge to pick up and fill the void at every pause in life - very difficult to keep it cut down without cutting it out entirely